
搜索"詹妮弗·格兰特" ,找到 2部影视作品

老友记 第一季
/ 大卫·克拉尼,玛尔塔·考夫曼
莫妮卡(柯特妮·考克斯 )、钱德(马修·派瑞)、瑞秋(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿)、菲比(莉莎·库卓)、乔伊(马特·理勃兰)和罗斯(大卫·休谟)是彼此最好的朋友,一起走过十年岁月的点点滴滴。虽然老友们各有各的性格特点,也会有矛盾和争执,但对于彼此,他们永远be there for you. 故事开始在center perk 咖啡馆里,婚礼上落荒而逃的瑞秋闯进来寻找老同学莫妮卡。莫妮卡的哥哥刚刚离婚,而他从小暗恋的人正是这个落跑新娘瑞秋。瑞秋在莫妮卡家住了下来,决定不在做爸爸的女孩儿,真正的步入社会,于是在其他老友的帮助下,她上路了,从二十多岁初入社会,到三十多岁成家立业,他们一走就是十年。 十年间风风雨雨,在嬉笑怒骂中,在离别团聚中,他们向我们讲述着友情、爱情还有生活。让我们和他们一起开怀大笑或是黯然神伤。
/ 乔尔·苏扎
Growing up in a small town, Charlie, Alex and Nick weren't the most popular kids around after they formed "The Elite Monster Unit". Chasing notorious, mythical legends and ghosts was exciting to them, not "cool" to the other kids around. So they lived their lives on the outside of the "in" crowd. Making matters worse was Charlie's obvious crush on Brandy, one of the most popular kids in school and sister to one of the biggest bullies around. Trying to impress Brandy, Charlie accepts a dare from her brother Nick that says he and his friends must spend Halloween night in a house long rumored to be haunted.What seems to be an easy challenge quickly turns out to be a night of frights as Charlie, Nick and Alex find themselves in the fight of their lives trying to out smart (and outrun) their new nemesis, a ghost dog named Salty, who does whatever he can to make this the worst night of their lives...