
搜索"丹尼尔·德·奥利" ,找到 2部影视作品

/ André Felipe Binder,Mariana Richard
娜塔莉和路易莎和石油巨头谈判无果,阻止临时措施道阻且长,一场秘密行动已经在阿鲁阿南内部有序开展;外部局势紧张,娜塔莉和路易莎却因为组织的新架构再次陷入争执;阿鲁阿南突然闯入球赛,这次他们又会揭露什么黑暗?这群闯入者又能顺利离开吗?   娜塔莉的节目迎来新嘉宾——恩佐市长,阿拉波市污染治理成效显著,娜塔莉顺势踏上了去该市实地探访的旅程,却不料遇到奇怪男子自焚示威。“这里没人想知道真相”又会是什么秘密在等待她们揭晓?
/ Dennison Ramalho
Stênio (Daniel de Oliveira) works the night shift at a morgue in a very large, very violent city. On the job, he sees cadavers in every conceivable state, often the victims of horrific gang warfare. While most would be rather unsettled by it all, Stênio is not. For the dead speak to him. Not in any metaphorical sense but in a very literal way.Stênio was born with an occult gift and while not everyone would be at ease conversing with mutilated cadavers on slabs, he has learned that there are endless secrets that can be gleaned this way. Related to crime. To prosperity.  One day he learns a terrible secret about people in his own life. He commits the sin of acting on knowledge obtained from the dead, cursing himself and those dearest to him in the process…