
搜索"Moody" ,找到 6部影视作品

/ 唐·亚当斯,积·沙列治,Charles R. Rondeau,艾伦·拉夫金,理查德·贝内迪克特,哈里·福尔克,Ron Joy,雷扎·巴蒂伊,安东尼·利德,Dick Carson,Nicholas Webster
Maxwell Smart is back ... and loving it! And so is Agent 99, The Chief and the rest of the fearless Get Smart gang. Here is the legendary, Emmyr Award-winning spy-spoof series inspired by the comic genius of Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, digitally restored, remastered and brought to you on DVD. Now it's easier than ever to out-smart the world's least secret...secret agent, in this...
/ Norman Abbott,詹姆斯·科马驰,盖瑞·尼尔森,布鲁斯·比尔森,Jess Oppenheimer,西德尼·米勒,唐·亚当斯
Maxwell Smart is back...And Loving it! And so is Agent 99, The Chief, Fang and the rest of the fearless Get Smart gang. Here is the legendary, Emmy Award-winning spy-spoof series inspired by the comic genius of Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, digitally restored, remastered and brought to you on DVD. Get Smarts unforgettable third season is a must-own collection of quintessential tel...
/ 布鲁斯·比尔森,雷扎·巴蒂伊,盖瑞·尼尔森,杰里·霍珀,积·沙列治,詹姆斯·科马驰,哈里·福尔克,唐·亚当斯,理查德·贝内迪克特,埃迪·赖德
In Season 4, wedding bells finally ring for Max and 99 ... that is, if Max can escape from the clutches of KAOS and the evil Dr. Madre, who's hidden the map to a secret uranium mine on Max's chest, in "With Love and Twitches." That's right, it's another action-packed season of classic clandestine comedy all together on 4 must-own DVDs, as the agents of CONTROL go undercover ove...
/ 布鲁斯·比尔森,盖瑞·尼尔森,威廉·威亚尔德,Joshua Shelley,厄尔·贝拉米,唐·亚当斯,西德尼·米勒
糊涂侦探是由喜剧大师梅尔.布鲁克斯编剧的电视剧集《糊涂侦探》在60年代仿效当时流行的007系列电影改编的间谍喜剧。   10多年前在国内放映过,国内也踊跃出一大批剧迷。男主人公叫麦克斯韦.精明-特工86号,他的女搭档是99号特工。里面的特工用品都很滑稽,比如86号的皮鞋电话、局长的隔音罩等等。   该片在1965年-1970年在电视台播出,1989年又顺时推出了《新糊涂侦探》,95年又推出了《糊涂侦探再度出击》;1980年克里夫.唐纳导演的电影版86号《The Nude Bomb》。这些都是由男主角唐.亚当斯主演,更值得一提的是同在国内被人熟知的动画连续剧《神探加杰特》"Inspector Gadget" (1983) [TV-Series 1983-1986]中的加杰特也是由亚当斯配音,后来亚当斯多次为加杰特配音并演出过一个电视版--The Amazing...
/ Eric,Bugbee
A passionate 26-year old BMX dirt jumper, Phineas Cooper, gets the chance of a lifetime to compete at the regional level to qualify for nationals. But his pursuit of triumph sours with a crash that knocks him out of commission. Determined to get back on track for the next major competition, he undergoes physical therapy for a couple months. In the meantime, he is ordered by court to complete community service for many unpaid citations for reckless street riding. He is forced to volunteer at a local youth center for at-risk teenage boys, and meets Jordin Riley, a beautiful humanitarian. To impress her, Phin decides to sign up for mentorship and handpicks one of the toughest boys named Blue Espinosa, a 14-year old whose mother is a heroin addict, and whose father was gunned down. As Phin takes Blue under his wings, he and his friends lead him on adventures of riding dirt trails, big jumps and cityscapes..
/ 彼得·杰克逊
故事开始于一支在苏门答腊岛活动的探险队,他们发现了当地一种长相怪异的鼠猴,便带回去卖给动物园,不料却因此酿出一个恶果。莱尼(蒂莫西 巴姆Timothy Balme 饰)有着对他十分依赖的母亲,这天母亲被困在笼里的鼠猴咬了一口。不久后,她开始变得诡异万分,莱尼甚至看见她吃蜘蛛、咬狗,行为癫狂。莱尼请来医生护士,却被母亲撕咬后继而变成僵尸。明知母亲成为高度危险的人物,莱尼却不舍得伤害她,只把她和僵尸困在房间里。不料星星之火可以燎原,在莱尼家的一场舞会中,一大群人遭殃,他们变成乱七八糟的僵尸怪物横冲直撞,莱尼挥出电锯,杀得气喘呼呼,血肉四溅,情急下,莱尼心爱的却已变了质的母亲,也不能幸免。©豆瓣